Congo Tetra (Phenacogrammus interrutpus)

Imported European Fish

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The world of aquarium keeping is teeming with a myriad of captivating aquatic species, each possessing its own unique charm and characteristics. One such enchanting inhabitant of freshwater aquariums is the Phenacogrammus interruptus, commonly known as the Congo Tetra. With its striking appearance, vibrant colors, and intriguing behavior, this African fish has captured the hearts of hobbyists and aquarists around the globe.

The Congo Tetra, scientifically referred to as Phenacogrammus interruptus, is native to the Congo River Basin in Central Africa. This expansive region spans across several countries including the Democratic Republic of Congo, Congo-Brazzaville, and Angola. Within this intricate network of water bodies, the Congo Tetra can be found inhabiting slow-moving rivers, streams, and flooded forest areas.

One of the most remarkable features of the Congo Tetra is its stunning coloration. The males, in particular, exhibit a mesmerizing blend of iridescent blue and fiery orange hues that seem to dance across their scales, especially when light hits them. The colors intensify during displays of courtship or excitement, making them a true spectacle to behold in a well-lit aquarium.

The body shape of the Congo Tetra is elongated and streamlined, allowing it to navigate through densely vegetated waters with ease. Their dorsal fin possesses an elongated filament, adding a touch of elegance to their appearance. Females tend to be less vibrant in color and have a rounder belly compared to the more streamlined males.

Known for their peaceful nature, Congo Tetras are excellent community fish. They can be housed with other peaceful species such as other tetras, rasboras, and certain types of catfish. Due to their delicate fins, it's advisable to avoid housing them with fin-nipping or aggressive species that could damage their beautiful finnage.

Congo Tetras are renowned for their playful and active behavior. They are avid swimmers and are often seen darting around the aquarium, exploring every nook and cranny. They can be a bit shy initially, so providing plenty of hiding spots through plants, driftwood, and rock formations can help them acclimate more comfortably.

To provide the best possible environment for Congo Tetras, it's essential to replicate their natural habitat. This can be achieved by setting up a well-planted aquarium with subdued lighting and dark substrate to enhance their colors. Maintain stable water conditions with temperatures ranging between 73°F to 80°F (23°C to 27°C) and a slightly acidic to neutral pH level of 6.0 to 7.5.

Breeding Congo Tetras can be a rewarding endeavor for experienced aquarists. Males display vibrant colors and engage in courtship dances to attract females. A separate breeding tank with densely planted areas and gentle filtration is recommended to mimic their natural spawning conditions. After successful spawning, the adults should be removed, as they may consume the eggs. The eggs usually hatch within a couple of days, and the fry can be fed with specialized fry food or infusoria until they're large enough to accept regular fish food.

The Phenacogrammus interruptus, or Congo Tetra, is undoubtedly a jewel of the aquarium world. Its exquisite colors, peaceful demeanor, and active behavior make it a delightful addition to both beginner and experienced hobbyist setups. By creating an environment that mimics their native habitat, aquarists can enjoy the beauty and charm of these African gems while contributing to the preservation of this captivating species in the realm of captive breeding and aquarium keeping. These fish do not ship individually bagged.

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Imported European Fish

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